Advanced Imaging And Artificial Intelligence Lab


We are the Advanced Imaging and Artificial Intelligence Lab [(AI)**2] located at the University of Calgary, one of the fastest-growing universities in Canada in terms of research output and located in one of the cities with best quality of life in the world. We are at the Electrical and Software Engineering Department of the Schulich School of Engineering. We are also affiliated with the Hotchkiss Brain Institute.

Mission and Values

2. Develop high-impact research in the fields of imaging/image analysis and artificial intelligence. Most of our work involves images, but we also have other interests.

3. We are committed to open science. Whenever possible, we make our data and code publicly available. Our group is part of the Calgary-Campinas open science initiative

4. Give back to the community. As researchers, we feel that it is a duty to give back to the community. We organize free workshops on computer programming, image analysis and artificial intelligence. We strive to promote equity, diversity and inclusion in these workshops.

Our lab open science efforts were featured in the Hotchkiss Brain Institute  and the University of Calgary news. Please check out the cool video below: