(December 2024) Congratulations to Abbas Omidi on a successful MSc defence!

(November 2024) Congratulations to Dr. Souza, a co-applicant in a successful LevMax-Health grant! This grant will further broaden our lab work beyond brain imaging!

(December 2024) Congratulations to Natalia on a successful MSc defence. Natalia did a great job and will be joining Circle Cardiovascular in January!

(November 2024) Congratulations to Dr. Souza on being awarded a UCalgary Connector grant!

(November 2024) Congratulations to Drs. Rittner, Bento, and Souza on receiving a CNPq grant to increase research exchanges between UCalgary and UNICAMP!

(November 2024) The lab says farewell to Amir, who recently moved on to a job at Synex!

(October 2024) Congratulations to Jacob and the team on being 3rd place in the 2024 ISLES challenge! Part of MICCAI.

(October 2024) Congratulations to Hanna on receiving the Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarships(AGES) - Doctoral Research !

(September 2024) Welcome to all the new trainees joining AI2Lab in Fall 2024!!!

(September 2024) Congratulations to Farzaneh and Kaue on having their papers accepted at SIPAIM 2024!!!

(September 2024) Congratulations to Mahsa and Anik on having their papers accepted at Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience!

(July 2024) Congratulations to Hanna on a successful field of study exam!

(July 2025) Congratulations to Nour on receiving a Huangqi Sun Memorial Graduate Scholarship!  

(July 2025) Congratulations to Gabriel on a successful MSc defence!

(July 2024) Congratulations to Mohammad on having a paper accepted at the 2024 IEEE ITSC!

(July 2024) Congratulations to Mahsa on receiving the Faculty of Graduate Studies International Master's Scholarship! 

(July 2025) Another successful group hike in Kananaskis!

(July 2024) Abbas presents his work in Paris at the 2024 MIDL!

(June 2024) Congratulations to Peyman on receiving an Alberta Graduate Excellence scholarship! 

(June 2024) Congratulation to Anik on a successful MSc defence!

(June 2024) Congratulations to Hanna on winning the Dragon's Den Peoples Choice at the HBI research day!

(June 2024) Congratulations to Peyman on having his work accepted for publication at MICCAI!

(May 2024) Congratulations to Hanna and Rodrigo on having their work accepted for publication at Elsevier MRI! 

(May 2015) Congratulations to Dr. Ospel (PI) and Drs. Bento, Goyal, and Souza (co-PIs) on being awarded an RSNA Research Fellow Grant!

(April 2024) Congratulations to Dr. Souza and the team on being selected for the SPARK Alberta program!

(April 2024) Congratulations to Abbas and co-authors on having a full paper accepted at the 2024 MIDL! 

(April 2024) Congratulations to Dr. Bento on her excellent invited talk at the 10th BRAINN Congress!

(March 2024) Congratulations to Hanna on receiving a Graduate Teaching Assistant Award!

(March 2024) Congratulations to Abbas, Mahsa and Mohammad on receiving the ESE Graduate Research Awards! 

(March 2024) Congratulations to Natalia on having her MRM paper accepted for publication!

(March 2024) Congratulations to Abbas on receiving the Graduate Student Research Impact Excellence Award! 

(March 2024) Congratulations to Dr. Leticia Rittner on being awarded the Killiam Visiting Scholar! Drs. Rittner and Bento spearheaded the application! 

(March 2024) Congratulations to Drs. Souza and Bento on being awarded an Alberta Innovates LevMax-Health grant! 

(March 2024) Congratulations to Daniel Lee and Grazia Mena on being awarded NSERC USRAs!

(March 2024)  Congratulations to Aminreza Abbasi on receiving an Alberta Innovates Summer Research Studentship! 

(March 2024) Congratulations to Rodrigo, Hanna, and Gabriel on having the Edited-MRS reconstruction challenge paper accepted at MAGMA! 

(March 2024) Congratulations to Hanna Bugler on winning the WiDS best poster award!  

(March 2024) Congratulations to Dr. Bento for organizing a very successful WiDS event!

(February 2024)  Congratulations to Hanna on receiving the Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship! 

(February 2024) Congratulations to Peyman on receiving the Mitacs-Accelerate Graduate Research Internship! 

(January 2024) Congratulations to Hanna on a successful stage 1 PhD candidacy exam!

(January 2024) Congratulations to Hanna, Natalia, and Amir for having abstracts accepted at the 2024 ISMRM! 

(January 2024) Congratulations to Mahsa on receiving the Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES) award for WINTER 2024! 

(January 2024) Congratulations to Dr. Bento on being awarded an NSERC Alliance – Alberta Innovates Advance stream II grant! 

(January 2023) Congratulations to Pedro on receiving the University of Calgary Eyes High Postdoctoral Fellowship 

(December 2023) Congratulations to Hanna on receiving the University of Calgary Graduate Studies Scholarship!

(December 2023) 

Congratulations to Hanna on receiving the 2023 BME Research Excellence Award! 

(December 2023) Congratulations to Pedro on receiving the Harley Hotchkiss – Samuel Weiss Postdoctoral Fellowship (Hotchkiss Brain Institute)

(December 2023) Congratulations to Drs. Souza and Bento on having an Alberta Innovates LEVMAX grant approved!

(December 2023) Congratulations to Natalia on receiving the Alberta Innovates Graduate Student scholarship!

(December 2023) Congratulation to Mohammad on his successful PhD candidacy exam!

(November 2023) Congratulations to Neha on her successful MSc defence!

(October 2023) Congratulations to Abbas and co-authors on having his paper titled "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of MRI Skull-stripping Trained on Adult Data to Newborns" accepted at IEEE WACV!


(October 2023) Congratulations to Mahsa on receiving the best poster award at the MICCAI FAIMI workshop!

(August 2023) Congratulations to Rodrigo on a successful MSc defence!

(August 2023) Congratulations to Hanna on receiving the Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship!

(August 2023) Congratulations to Neha, Rodrigo and Hanna on having their papers accepted at the 2023 MICCAI workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging!

(August 2023) Congratulations to Mahsa on her work accepted at the 2023 MICCAI Workshop on Fairness of AI in Medical Imaging! The work was done in collaboration with Mansi, Akhil and Neha!

(August 2023) We bid our MITACS summer students farewell! It was a pleasure working with Timothy, Yogesh, Swastik, Mansi, and Akhil!

(July 2023) Neha presented her work in collaboration with Mahsa at the ICML workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning in Healthcare!

(June 2023) Congratulations to Neha and Mahsa on having a paper accepted at the 2023 ICML workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning in Healthcare!

(June 2023) Congratulations to Natalia for winning the Alberta Graduate Excellence Research Scholarship!

(June 2023) Congratulations to Natalia for winning the competitive NSERC master's scholarship!

(June 2023) Congratulations to Abbas for winning for the second time Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship!

(May 2023) Congratulations to Farzaneh who received the HBI International Graduate Recruitment Scholarship and is joining our lab Fall 2023 for her PhD!

(May 2023) Congratulations to Armin who received the Alberta Innovates Summer Research Studentship and is joining our lab to do research on AI and imaging over the summer in our lab!

(May 2023) Congratulations and welcome to Yogesh, Timothy, Swastik, Mansi and Akil! They received a MITACS globalink scholarship to spend the summer doing research in our lab!

(April 2023) Congratulations to Hanna and Rodrigo on organizing a successful Edited-MRS reconstruction challenge during  the 2023 ISBI. The team Deep Spectral Divers from MICLab won the challenge! 

(April 2023) Congratulations to Neha on getting an internship at AltaML! 

(April 2023) Hanna and Rodrigo's work was featured at Computer Vision News!

(March 2023) Congratulations to Dr. Souza on receiving the teaching excellene award from the Schulich School of Engineering!

(February 2023) Congratulations to all the AI2Lab members that received the Upper Bound travel bursary!

(February 2023) Congratulations to Amin on getting an extension of his paper investigating the robustness of federated learning to the 2023 ICSE! 

(February 2023) Congratulations to Mahsa on receiving awards for FALL 2022 TA of the week, TA of the semester, and SSE first year best TA! 

(February 2023) Congratulation to Hanna and Rodrigo on their ISMRM abstract accepted for an oral presentation! Less than 18% of abstracts are selected for oral presentations!

(January 2023) Congratulations to Drs. Souza, Deshpande, and Bento on being awarded an NSERC Alliance – Alberta Innovates Advance stream II grant! 

(January 2023) Congratulations to Dr. Bento on being awarded an NSERC Alliance – Alberta Innovates Advance stream I grant! 

(December 2022) Congratu-lations to  Abbas on being selected for the AltaML winter internship cohort!

(December 2022) Congratulations to Hanna and Rodrigo on having a challenge proposal accepted at the 2023 ISBI (link)!

(December 2022) Congratulations to Parisa on her successful ESE master's defense!

(November 2022) Congratulations to Alexandre on his successful CS PhD candidacy exam! 

(November 2022) Congratulations to Youssef on his successful BME master's defense!

(November 2022) Congratulations to Javier Guerra, supervised by Dr. Frayne and co-supervised by Dr. Bento, on receiving the 4th best paper at the SIPAIM conference!

(November 2022) Congratulations to Rodrigo on receiving a MITACS Business Strategy Internship!

(November 2022) Congratulations to Amin! His paper evaluating the robustness of federated learning has been accepted at Empirical Software Engineering!

(October 2022) Congratulations to Abbas, Mahsa, and Rodrigo for winning Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarships!

(August 2022) Congratulations to Parisa and our collaborators. Our domain adaptation benchmark paper was accepted at Frontiers in Neuroscience!

(June 2022) Congratulations to Youssef and our collaborators. Our MRI reconstruction challenge paper was accepted at Frontiers in Neuroscience!

(June 2022) Congratulations to Alexandre! His RGB-D datasets survey was accepted at CVIU.

(June 2022) Youssef and Neha are representing our lab at the Deep Learning for Medical Imaging School!

(June 2022) Welcome to Dr. Bento the newest faculty member to join our lab! She runs an NSERC-funded program on data harmonization, bias and fairness in AI.

(June 2022) Congratulations to Hanna and Natalia for being awarded Brain CREATE scholarships!

(June 2022) Congratulations to Neha for receiving the Grace Hopper celebration scholarship!  

(May 2022) Congratulations to Dr. Souza on receiving the Departmental Early Research Excellence award from the Electrical and Software Engineering Department of the Schulich School of Engineering.

(May 20222) A large contingent of our trainees attended the AI week. It was a great opportunity to connect with AI researchers.

(March 2022) Congratulations to Dr. Souza for being awarded the NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant Program!

(March 2022) Congratulations to Neha for receiving the 3rd best poster award at the UCalgary Women in Data Science!  

(February 2022) Congratulations to Alexandre! His RGB-D datasets survey is trending on the DeepAI platform.

(January 2022) Congratulations to Youssef! He just had his master's work accepted for publication at the 2022 ISBI.

(January 2022) Our lab had just two exchange students approved for the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship! The fully-funded students will be joining our lab in May 2022. 

(January 2022) Congratulations to our collaborator Dr. Nikita Nogovitsyn on his Schizophrenia Research paper! 

(November 2021) Congratulations to Neha! She received the gold medal for achieving the highest GPA in her Computer Science class at the Manipal University Jaipur!  

(November 2021) Our lab open science initiative was featured by the Hotchkiss Brain Institute in the University of Calgary news!

(October 2021) Congratulations to Neha on getting the 2021 Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship! 

(September 2021) Congratulations to Wallace! from the VIL lab. His paper entitled "Extraction of a Vascular Function for a Fully Automated Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Brain Image Processing Pipeline"  was accepted at MRM.

(June 2021) Congratulations to Rodrigo Berto and Neha Gianchandani on getting BRAIN CREATE scholarships!

(May 2021) Congratulations to Mike Lasby on getting the very prestigious Elizabeth Cannon scholarship on entrepreneurial thinking!

(April 2021) Congratulations to Youssef Beauferris on getting the CONP scholar award!

(April 2021) Congratulations to Dr. Souza on getting his first NSERC DIscovery Grant!

(April 2021) Congratulations to Youssef Beauferris on getting the Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarships award!

(April 2021) Congratulations to Dr. Souza on receiving the HBI Early/Mid-Career (E/MC) Research Support Fund !

(March 2021) Congratulations to Harshal Patel and Maheen Hossain on getting the Alberta Innovates Summer Research Studentship! Welcome to our team this summer!

(March 2021) Congratulations to Lucas Ion on getting an NSERC USRA award! We are happy to have Lucas on our team this summer!

(July 2024) Congratulations to Hanna on a successful field of study exam!

(July 2025) Congratulations to Nour on receiving a Huangqi Sun Memorial Graduate Scholarship!  

(July 2025) Congratulations to Gabriel on a successful MSc defence!

(July 2024) Congratulations to Mohammad on having a paper accepted at the 2024 IEEE ITSC!